Thursday 15 August 2013

Day One!

Here I am, evening of day one. I'm not dead, nor starving, nor dying of coffee deprivation. I went coffee-free today. It helps that Coop's out of town and not bringing coffee to the gym! I had green tea this morning instead, and I have a bit of a headache, but generally survived. Also, I tried Steph's "Green  Egg's" recipe - pretty tasty. I had actually prepared them last night in the Bullet, so this morning at 6am it was easy to whip up an omelette and I didn't have to think too hard - key for me when it's that early. I'm generally not a morning person. I can be when I have to be, but I loooove sleeping in. 
Anyways, back to my food adventure. I packed a fantastic lunch of slow cooker pulled-pork, and a salad (I actually USED the salad builder - YUM!), and a snack of an apple and almond butter. I probably should have packed another snack. I was too hungry this afternoon, but looking back at it I didn't actually have time to even pee let alone have a delicious snack! So I came home and ate some sweet potato chips (probably not the best thing) and hummus because I needed something NOW and was going to get hangry if I didn't get it. 
Then Matt had to go and be all awesome. Geez that guy. He's on night shift, so he goes out during the day and I'm never too sure what he gets up to, but today I came home to a Candy Bouquet with a card on the dining room table (I also came home to a newly painted wall, but that's another story). Delicious and awesome yes, bad timing, also yes. So I'll be honest, I'm eating ONE of the candies that came in the candy bouquet. He's sleeping right now, so maybe I will pack his lunch pail with the candy tonight and I'll keep the mug it came in :)
At this point, my motivation to make a good dinner is down the tubes. However, Amy brought me a delicious soup (it starts with a G and is loaded with veggies but I can't remember the name of it) today and so I must pair it was something awesome. To the kitchen I go to find some protein to go with g-something soup!

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