Monday 2 September 2013

The weekend happened...

Ok, so admittedly, not the best weekend. Not the worst either though, so I won't beat myself up about it. It all started with the HotShots 19 WOD on Saturday morning. This was a tough one - while I was surprisingly not sore after it (a little bit of trapzilla but that's about it), it did cause me to eat EVERYTHING that was in sight. So needless to say, that bag of chips Matt was eating on the way to camp, I helped him out with that. Guilty. Dammit. But I did manage to avoid every single bit of county fair food that passed under my nose on Saturday night at the Chippewa County Fair Mud Runs (what a romantic evening out!). AND, Mom made a fantastic kale and brussel spout salad at camp. Did I actually eat BRUSSEL SPROUTS?! Yes, yes I did. I think the recipe came from Manuela from the morning CrossFit group. So yes Manuela, now I am talking about you on my blog! Great recipe, and it kept me mostly on track for the weekend. Because not only did I eat it as a salad -- I actually threw it into my omelette the next morning (Mom had made a HUGE salad bowl of it, so there were leftovers). She also brought oatmeal cookies to camp. Frig Mom! Why do you keep feeding me delicious not-frozen-fruit-dessert food?!?!
Back to the county fair. The smell of elephant ears and popcorn and cotton candy and BBQ and nachos made me want to barf. I didn't drink enough water on Saturday (when I should have after that WOD) but for a good reason - hear me out. I think it was much better for my health to not drink water and avoid using the porta-potties, than to drink a bottle of water and have to figure out how to pee without touching ANYTHING in those saunas they call bathrooms. Anyways, I digress.
I cooked up a storm while Matt slept for night shift. Veggie filled (but not vegetarian) chili, spaghetti sauce (for my home-grown spaghetti squash!), and my favourite chocolate chip cookie recipe. YES, I made dessert - gimme a break. It's going to be a busy week and sometimes a girl just needs a couple cookies to get by.  I did send Matt to work with a few to share though, so it's not like I ate the WHOLE dozen......
Two weeks to go until the big day. But before that, we have the most exciting day of the year at Catalyst. No, it's not Boxing Day Murph - but it's a close second. The Catalyst Games are on Saturday and it's going to be an awesome turn out. This week will consist of getting the Games in order, and continuing allllll the little things that need to be done for the wedding. Oh ya, and training, and work. And cooking delicious food. Right. If you don't hear from me on here, you know why. See you at the Park!

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